USUFRUCT definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary

For as long as the land is not damaged or destroyed, a usufruct is either given in several or retained in common ownership. The third civil interest in a property is abuse (literally abuse), i.e. the right to alienate the possessed object, either by possessing or damaging it (for profit), or by transferring it to another person (selling, trade, or gift). A usufruct is considered to be a real right under Louisiana law, meaning that it confers direct or immediate authority over the property. A usufruct can apply to real estate or other types of property.

For example, a usufructuary right would be the right to use water from a stream in order to generate electrical power. Such a right is distinguishable from a claim of legal ownership of the water itself. A Civil Law term referring to the right of one individual to use and enjoy the property of another, provided its substance is neither impaired nor altered. CAs, experts and businesses can get GST ready with Clear GST software & certification course.

Usufructs are also used to make a lifetime transfer of a residence to children, reserving a usufruct in the parents to remain in the home. This allows the parents to remain in the home during their lifetime, with the home to pass automatically to the children at death without a succession. This technique has significant drawbacks, however, and is not usually recommended. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘usufruct.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors.

  1. A usufruct combines the two property rights of usus and fructus.
  2. It is similar to a life estate in common law jurisdictions, except that a usufruct can last for a specific period of time other than a lifetime.
  3. The holder of a usufruct, known as a usufructuary, has the right to use (usus) the property and enjoy its fruits (fructus).
  4. The usufruct may be in effect until Helen’s death when the estate will be settled and the property will be passed on per act of law or the directions in the estate.

A usufruct combines the two property rights of usus and fructus. It can be given to the usufructuary, or person holding usufruct, as a means of caring for the property until the property owner dies and the property can be settled if the property owner is in ill health. Although the usufructuary is entitled to use the house, it cannot be damaged, destroyed, or disposed of.

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Usufruct comes from civil law, under which it is a subordinate real right (ius in re aliena) of limited duration, usually for a person’s lifetime. The holder of a usufruct, known as a usufructuary, has the right to use (usus) the property and enjoy its fruits (fructus). In modern terms, fructus more or less corresponds to the profit one may make, as when selling the “fruits” (in both literal and figurative senses) of the land or leasing a house. Usufruct is the right to use and benefit from a property, while the ownership of which belongs to another person. The usufructuary shall maintain the property as a responsible owner and shall not cause damage to or diminution of the property, except where the property is subject to natural depletion over time.

It must not be harmed in any way by the person making use of the property. Usufructs can also be used for tax planning purposes, such as granting the surviving spouse an interest that will qualify for the Qualified Terminable Interest Property election under Federal tax law. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. He pairs the concept of usufruct with complementarity and the irreducible minimum as core to his ethical world view.

In modern civil law, the usufruct is divided into perfect usufruct and imperfect usufruct or quasi-usufruct, depending on whether the property is subject to depletion. For perfect usufruct, the property is used without changing its nature. In the latter, the property cannot be used without being consumed, such as money, food, etc., and the usufructuary shall deliver to the owner at the end of the usufruct the same value or the same quantity and quality as at the beginning of the usufruct. A usufruct is a legal right granted to a person or party which grants a temporary right to use/derive income/benefit from the property of another individual. It is a real limited right that can be found in many jurisdictions of mixed and civil law.

British Dictionary definitions for usufruct

A usufructuary can use, possess, and administer the property, as well as collect the income, utility, profits, and other advantages produced from the property. When the usufruct ends, however, the surviving spouse will need to account to the naked owners for use of the assets. A person can create a voluntary usufruct by lifetime gift or in his or her Last Will and usufruct meaning Testament. This is a useful estate planning technique, especially in previous marriage situations. It is common for a spouse’s will to give the surviving spouse a usufruct over all community property. This provides for the spouse during her lifetime while ensuring that the decedent’s children (who may not be the spouse’s children) ultimately receive the property.

The Indian legal system recognizes and regulates these transactions, emphasizing the nuanced role this mortgage type plays in fostering economic activities, especially in rural settings. This simplifies handling household items since the surviving spouse is free to maintain, replace or dispose of them as he/she wishes during his/her lifetime, with the monetary value of the items going to the children. Title to assets does not pass, and the usufruct disappears on death or at the end of a term of years.

Fruits refers to any renewable commodity on the property, including (among others) actual fruits, livestock and even rental payments derived from the property. These may be divided into civil (fructus civiles), industrial (fructus industriales), and natural fruits (fructus naturales), the latter of which, in Roman law, included slaves and livestock. The right to use and enjoy a property belonging to someone else is a usufruct. For instance, it is the legal right to obtain profit from the property of another individual. These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘usufructuary.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors.

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Even though a usufructuary did not have possessory title, he could sue for relief in the form of a modified possessory interdict (prohibiting order). An usufruct is either granted in severalty or held in common ownership, as long as the property is not damaged or destroyed. The third civilian property interest is abusus (literally abuse), the right to alienate the thing possessed, either by consuming or destroying it (e.g., for profit), or by transferring it to someone else (e.g., sale, exchange, gift).

While the usufructuary has the right to use the property, they cannot damage or destroy it or dispose of the property. A usufructuary does not have full ownership of the property, because they do not enjoy the third property right, abusus, which refers to the right to consume, destroy, or transfer ownership of the property to someone else. Under Roman law, usufruct was a type of personal servitude (servitutes personarum), a beneficial right in another’s property. The usufructuary never had possession of this property (on the basis that if he possessed at all, he did so through the owner), but he did have an interest in the property itself for a period, either a term of years, or a lifetime. Unlike the owner, the usufructuary did not have a right of alienation (abusus), but he could sell or lease his usufructuary interest.

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A usufruct is a legal right accorded to a person or party that confers the temporary right to use and derive income or benefit from someone else’s property. It is a limited real right that can be found in many mixed and civil law jurisdictions. A usufruct is a right by one person over the property of another. It is similar to a life estate in common law jurisdictions, except that a usufruct can last for a specific period of time other than a lifetime. The person who owns the property is known as a naked owner (equivalent to a remainderman in a common law state).

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